Exploring all the viable options when your company bank account is frozen.
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Our Approach
Understanding Your Needs
At TaxDebts, we understand that having your company bank account frozen can come as quite a shock and can be potentially detrimental to your business. However, we know from our years of experience that a frozen account doesn’t necessarily mean your business has to be separated from its funds. We’ll take a look at every option that’s open to you and explain which choice is the most viable. No matter whether you decide to dispute a WUP, apply for a CVA, or go into voluntary liquidation, we will provide you with all the help and support you need.

Our Goal
In business, it’s important to have as many options available as possible. This gives you the opportunity to find the most suitable route to take, creating the potential to keep your business trading and to stop you from going further into debt. We’ll keep as many options open for you as possible, and with our expert guidance, you can choose which path is right for you and the business. Once you give us our instructions, we’ll carry them out to the letter.
Our Values
TaxDebts never wants to see a business struggle. We believe in helping businesses grow to their full potential, and having your company bank account frozen hinders progress. Through our team of dedicated professionals, we’ll work our hardest to remove the restrictions placed on your account, so you can continue to trade and get your company back on the right track.